How To Make “Sheet Day” Easier

Ever since I can remember I have always changed my sheets once a week. Yes, I have a “sheet day.” I used to have time to wash them and put them back on in the same day. However, life got so busy with school, working full time, and clinical rotations that I was no longer able to do this and had to get a second pair of sheets. This way I was able to change my sheets one day and wash them a different day. 

That’s when I realized how annoying it is to spend the time folding sheets to store them just to struggle again when it came time to unfold them and put them on the bed. I seemed to fold them a different way every time and would have to fully unfold them and fling them around to figure out which way they go on the bed. 
So, I discovered a way to fold my sheets to make it SO EASY and fast to put them on. 

Here is how 😊


1) The Quilt

I start by laying the quilt down in the same way I would as if I were making the bed. For my particular quilt this is tag down on the right side of the bed.  

Then I fold the side from the left side of the bed onto the side on the right side of the bed. 

I repeat this (folding the left side onto the right) until it is a manageable size. 

Then I start at the bottom and fold it about 10 inches up so that it’s lying flat and continue to fold this again and again in a rolling fashion until I have reached the top. 

Done ✅ 

2)Flat sheet

I lay it on the bed in the same position I would as if I were making the bed. 

Then I fold the left side onto the right side. 

I do this two more times. 

Then I fold the sheet from the bottom about ten inches and continue to fold/ roll it up until I reach the top. 

Done ✅ 

3)Fitted sheet 

I find which corner the tag is in. This is important because I am going to make sure all the other corners get tucked into the corner with the tag. This is so the tag will be easy to find when I go to put the sheet on the bed because I know the tag goes on the bottom right hand corner of the mattress

Then I fold another corner or the fitted sheet into the corner of the sheet with the tag. 

Then I fold the two remaining corners into each other

Then I tuck these and into the corner with the tag. When I’m done all the corners are tucked into the corner with the tag. 

I then fold this in half and half again until it is a manageable size. 

Done ✅ 

Putting Them Back On The Bed

 I pick up the folded fitted sheet and unfold it until I see the corners. 
Then I grab the corner that has the other sides tucked into it knowing that this is the corner that will be on the bottom right side of my mattress. 

I place this corner on the mattress and then put it on the rest of the mattress knowing that it is in the right position. 

Then I put the other three corners on the mattress. No more flinging the sheet around trying to figure out which way it goes!

Next I place the flat sheet still folded on the top right side of the mattress 

I unfold it towards the bottom of the mattress. This is basically the opposite process of how I folded it. I make sure the opening is facing the outside of the mattress. 

Then I unfold from the right side of the mattress to the left side until it covers about half the mattress. 

I then reposition the sheet so that it covers exactly half of the mattress so I don’t have to reposition it once it is fully unfolded. 

Then I unfold it the rest of the way towards the left side of the bed. 

I then tuck in the bottom of the sheet under the mattress and then do “hospital corners” so the sheet stays in place. 

Then I do this same exact thing with the quilt.

 It’s important to make sure the open side is at the top right hand corner of the mattress and that the opening is facing to the top and outside of the mattress before unfolding. 

Then it is also important to readjust the sheet or quilt when it is halfway unfolded across the bed because this is much easier to do than trying to reposition it once it is fully unfolded. 

I love this method of folding sheets because I know exactly which way they need to go on. No flapping them around and looking for the tags. No putting them on wrong and then having to remake the bed a billion times.  😊❤️🛏 🥳 

Here is my video!


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